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Best car rack for City 5 Plus step-through

Started by forty2, March 26, 2022, 04:16:09 PM

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My wife and I are 70+, and thinking about the City 5 Plus step-through model. We'll be driving to riding locations, but concerned about the weight and getting the bike onto a car rack (Honda CR-V). I like the design of the Thule EasyFold XT 2, but not clear if there is a good place to attach the clamps on the step through version.

Would appreciate hearing from anyone with some experience or a recommendation for an easy to use rack.


If you decide to use a bicycle rack that uses the hold down clamp (normally used on the top bar) then you need to purchase a bike rack cross bar adapter. It goes from the seat post to the front neck where the handlebars attach. It acts like a top bar on the bike and that's where the clamp attaches to.
They start at around $25 US and go up from there.


I bought the Thule Easyfold XT for my new RadCity 5+.  Works well, easy to mount to hitch and easy to load bike(s).  Rated at 130 lbs for two bikes, so can accommodate two RadCity's with their batteries removed.  Also, the hitch bike connectors are very flexible for  variety of frames.  I didn't need the adapter.

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