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RadRover 6Plus low on power?

Started by RobDon, March 19, 2022, 08:39:48 AM

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We recently bought a RadRover 6 Plus Step Through for my wife. I recently took it for a ride and 'tested' it on hill climbing. The hill is very short (75 yards) but steep for about 30-40 yards. I was shocked that it could not make it up this hill in Pedal Assist 1,2, or 3 (not providing any 'help' from pushing hard on pedals)! In PA 4 it was straining but made it! However, with throttle only, it goes up the hill fairly easily. Then I tested my Aventon Adventure on the same hill. This bike pulled strongly up the hill in PA 1. In fact, it pulled up the hill better in PA 1 than the RadRover in PA 4!

Does this power level seem normal for the RadRover? The difference between the two 750W bikes is massive. I contacted Radpower and they suggested 
certain tests and checks which I did but found nothing wrong. I have not gone back to them again yet, I just would like some input from some other owners with more experience with the RadRover. Any suggestions or opinions?


What gear were you in?

I live in a very hilly neighborhood, with a lot of short, steep hills. The difference between a gear line 7th and a gear like 4th or 5th is significant.

That being said, I'm usually in PA5 (in 4th or 5th gear) on those hills.


In my opinion, you really cannot compare the two bikes and expect them to be the same. Two different companies, electronics, motors, and settings. So any comparison is not apples to apples so to speak.

That said, I have a Rover 6+, and where I am at there is a 2.5 mile long 12-15% grade hill going into town. Before I modified my bike I would have to be in PAS 5 and gear 3-4 to make it up that hill with work at around 10-13mph.

Rad Also started in the Rover Owner's manual on page 22, "Do not climb hills steeper than 15% in grade." But I think this is stated mostly to help extend battery life.

I would recommend starting off in PAS 2 or 3 and gear 3 to start with until you get used to the bike and how it runs, then adjust as you see fit.


Quote from: RobDon on March 19, 2022, 08:39:48 AM
We recently bought a RadRover 6 Plus Step Through for my wife. I recently took it for a ride and 'tested' it on hill climbing. The hill is very short (75 yards) but steep for about 30-40 yards. I was shocked that it could not make it up this hill in Pedal Assist 1,2, or 3 (not providing any 'help' from pushing hard on pedals)! In PA 4 it was straining but made it! However, with throttle only, it goes up the hill fairly easily. Then I tested my Aventon Adventure on the same hill. This bike pulled strongly up the hill in PA 1. In fact, it pulled up the hill better in PA 1 than the RadRover in PA 4!

Does this power level seem normal for the RadRover? The difference between the two 750W bikes is massive. I contacted Radpower and they suggested 
certain tests and checks which I did but found nothing wrong. I have not gone back to them again yet, I just would like some input from some other owners with more experience with the RadRover. Any suggestions or opinions?

You tried PAS 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Have you tried PAS 5?  Doesn't that get you the 750 watts?  Why haven't you tried it?  I think your RAD pedal assist is not working or the Averton pedal assist is set on max when it is on 1.

It makes no sense that the Rad bike can climb a hill "fairly easily" on throttle as you say but perform horribly on assist.  Maybe your pedal assist is set up wrong or is malfunctioning.  Try climbing on PAS 5.

They are both Bafang hubs class 2 bikes running 750 watts.  It is very hard to believe that there would be so much difference in performance so there is possibly a malfunction somewhere.  If the differences are really so dramatic, I am sure Aventon will be advertising in all outlets and will soon take over all the sales.


By way of my reply to the input I have received, yes I have tried almost all of the gears while testing including first gear. However, I stated that I was using pedal assist without pressing (or aiding) with pedals allowing the motor to do the work without the throttle. The gear I'm using shouldn't matter. I tested the Radrover and the Aventon  exacly the same way. My wife tells me she has to use the thottle to assist while pedaling up quite a few hills. I found this amazing. I have yet to find a hill (where we are) when I NEED to use the throttle to assist with my Aventon.

In regards to the reply about the motor brands being the same for both bikes. That is not correct. The Aventon has a Bafang but the Radrover has a proprietary motor for Radpower.

I hope you understand, this is not a promotion for Aventon, but rather a fact finding mission. Both of these bikes certainly have their strong points with one being better than the other in certain areas. I am trying to find out if the Radrover we have is malfunctioning or is this power capability 'normal'. I appreciate the input, and welcome more!


Quote from: RobDon on March 21, 2022, 09:42:00 AM
The gear I'm using shouldn't matter.

I just think that for whatever reason, bad programming or hardware malfunction, you may not be activating the Rad power assist because your gear is spinning too low.  We don't have all the details of your test and I certainly don't know how Rad is programming the assist.  I don't know what cadence you are going at.  Since you are not pedaling to work, try a very low gear and spin the chainring fast while still not doing much work.  There is a cadence sensor on the Rad and who knows how it is programmed.  It may be you need high cadence to activate the full power assist.  See this.  Maybe you have a bad controller.

What is really interesting is what happens when you set the assist at 5 on the Aventon.  If it is really true, and a setting of 1 beats the Rad and a setting of 5 blows Rad out of the water, please report back.  I am happy with the rad and I don't believe another hub drive bike can be so much more superior so I am skeptical.  But I am open-minded.  That would be a very interesting result and can be the subject of youtube videos.  I would be the first one to switch.

I am not related to or work for anything in the bicycle business.


The guy running the CitizenCycle channel on YouTube has these bikes, and tons more, and has tested them.  Perhaps some of his reviews would mention this difference or if not, I'm sure he'd like to know if it's true.  You might consider dropping a comment on a recent review (so he spots it) or a direct contact to see if he has more info for you.

I don't know if our Overlord Ryan has a Rover 6P or not to test out.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.

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