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Schwalbe tires for radcity

Started by Bourri58, March 18, 2022, 05:38:12 AM

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I had two flats last year, so I am looking at getting new tires with better protection, schwable keeps being highly recommended....

Anyone got them? And which model? The marathon plus, the green guard ?

Radio Runner

I have Marathon Plus tires on an analog bike and they are notably heavier and stiff with the build in puncture barrier so performance is down a bit but thorns and smaller glass bits aint getting in there. The weight issue shouldn't be problem on an Ebike.

If they made them on 20x3 for my RRunner I would buy them asap but they do not. Not sure what Green guard is.

Jay West

Schwalbe Big Bens are made for ebikes.  I've used them for years and they are very quiet road tires, but work for off road too.

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