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Passed the RadRunner 1 on to a new owner.

Started by sc00ter, February 14, 2022, 07:05:10 AM

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I had this 'Runner for sale on this site and at work, sold it and ended up buying it back a month later. But I also ordered a Juiced RipRacer so I don't need 2 ebikes. A friend, that relies on bicycles for his only transportation, is getting messed with at his thrift store job. He found a job cleaning buses but it's a good distance from his place, so I gave him the 'Runner. There is no way he could ever afford one new, or even used, and I have the RipRacer coming. The new owner is short, in his early 60's and of average intelligence. I made sure he could:

Use the charger. Unplug it when it goes green.

Be able to get in in his apartment. Ground level but has 3 steps.

USE THE Pedego Foldy branded lock! DO NOT use a cheap cable lock.

Be able to open and securely close the SHAD trunk on the back.

Turn the lights on. I wish Rad would do auto-on and give you the option to turn them off if wanted.

I hope the 'Runner blesses him the option to find a better job. And he can visit his parents easier now. They live about 8 miles away from him. Plus the "Runner has fenders. Granted the wide tires still make a mess but the fenders stop the skunk stripe! My wife is betting on how long before he gets it stolen. I explained to him that this kind of thing will only happen once from me so don't mess up!

Side note: I purchased a E-Lux Malibu GT. It's now on consignment 400 miles later. Whoever put the word commute in the description for the Malibu should be slapped! It just wore me out on my commute and was a pig in tight spaces. Going out to cruise with some friends? It would exceed at that I guess. Finally the Dapu motor was crude compared to a Bafang motor.


And because I have a Mini ST in the family I'm still sticking around. You can't get rid of me that easily!


You are a good person. Thank you.

I noticed with my new Runner Plus The lights turn on automatically and you have to turn them off if you want them off. Now my wish is for the backlight to default to blinking.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk


Quote from: Veggyhed on February 14, 2022, 10:04:33 AMNow my wish is for the backlight to default to blinking.

This was my solution for the same; I kept forgetting to toggle the rear light to blinking:

It's motion-sensitive for on and off, so I never touch it except for recharging, and it lasts many hours in blinking mode on a single charge.  Has several modes and is VERY bright even in daylight; I strapped mine to the underframe of my Cloud 9 seat where it's above the rear rack/basket combo and slides in/out easily while remaining secure when mounted.

Definitely recommended.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


So the guy I gave the RadRunner 1 to is selling it. When I gave it to him he rode it home and that's it, been sitting ever since. So I sent a friend over and she purchased it back for $300 with everything still on it. Mirrors, lock, front rack, rear trunk, both sets of keys. I'm disappointed that the guy I gave it to didn't use it but if he wants to pedal everywhere that's on him I guess. And if he's selling it to pay a bill or something that's on him as well. I thought it would help him branch out his options for a better job and give him a little bit of transportation freedom. So anyways, my friend got my old RadRunner 1 back for $300 and that's a heck of a deal.

Radio Runner

Ah, the best intentions.  :)

Seems this happens to bikes a lot. New Years resolutions come to mind then off to the backyard stored next to the shed in the rain. Anyway, good on you for trying to help a dude.

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