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I am a RADdict.

Started by dml49, February 01, 2022, 02:41:09 PM

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Hello.  My name is Dave, and I'm a RADdict.  My RADdiction started two weeks ago when my RADRover 6 Plus arrived.  It took two hours to assemble, then I took it for a spin, and I have not been able to get off.  My wife is also a RADdict - she has the RAD Mini Step-Thru 2.  We used to love when it rains in Tucson.  Now, when we see rain in the forecast, our reaction is "Dagnabbit."  I just got back from 20 miles on The Loop, one of the best things that has ever happened to Tucson.  It was an incredible ride.  If there are any other RADdicts in Tucson, it would be great to meet on The Loop and compare notes.  My name is Dave, and I am a RADdict.


I'm right behind you! Got my RR6+ just over a month ago. Custom painted basket and rear rack. Upgraded seat and seat post.
After a month of research finally ordered the wife her bike. Tomorrow her RadCity+ Step-through comes!
Now just need some warmer weather to go riding up here in Boise.

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