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Accessories and Mods to my Radrunner 1 and RadRunner Plus

Started by G-Sarge, January 29, 2022, 02:38:07 PM

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I got my Radrunner 1 back in September of 2020 when they had the bundled accessory deal going on but to be honest I did not use much of the bundled items.(I will be offering them up for sale here in the future) I love the bike but I had the common issue of the chain skipping on the freewheell under load.  I contacted Rad Power customer service and they put me down for a replacement freewheel and chain tensioner.  It took 2 months to get the new tensioner and the freewheel. Luckily, the new tensioner is completely redesigned and between it and installing an 18 tooth freewheel (while waiting for the parts to arrive) to lower the gear ratio for better climbing pedal power, I'm happy to say that it no longer skips whatsoever.
As seen in the attached photos, I added the front rack and modified the large basket to fit lengthwise on the bike even though Radpower says it can't be done. (See photo with circled attachment points using two stainless steel through-frame bolts and six zip ties)
I mounted a Harbor Freight Apache case on the front rack and custom installed the premium headlight onto the crossbar on the handlebars which not only looks better in my opinion, but also works better.  I also added a used Rad LED monitor and controls purchased on eBay.
For extra dry storage I added two tractor implement manual container tubes on each side of the rear of the bike for carrying a tire pump, tools, tire repair kit, first aid kit, etc.
I replaced the seat post and installed a super wide spring suspension saddle which greatly enhanced riding comfort.
Now that the bike is comfortable, I wanted to increase my battery powered riding distance so I relocated the Radpower battery to the front down tube and installed a Bafang 13ah battery where the Radpower battery was originally located. I had to do the relocation because the battery docking bracket for the Bafang battery could not be installed securely on the front downtube.  Of course these battery changes required an additional controller-to-battery connector and some soldering work, but now I can simply unplug and swap out which battery I use in just a few seconds. Now I can start a ride on the Bafand battery and when I have run it down to the shut off point, I simply swap over to the 14ah Radpower battery knowing it will always get me back with power left over.
Instead of the $100 Radpower dog carrier for the basket, I found one on for $37 that fits it nice and secure.
Two much-needed bar end mirrors were installed and finally a clamp-on drink holder was mounted within reach but out of the way of the step through area of the bike.
My wife liked it so much that she decided she wanted it for herself, but that was okay with me because it gave me an excuse to order a new Radrunner Plus for me during the Black Friday deal that included a $100 off accessory coupon.👍😁
The same mods were done to my Radrunner Plus except that instead of a large basket, I installed a larger Apache case on the rear rack and to double my comfort, I mounted an oversized spring suspension saddle on a Thudbuster ST suspension seat post. I also installed a cell phone mount on the crossbar and a Bluetooth speaker on top of the front Apache case.
With a total of four batteries and the ability to carry two of them securely in the rear case, I plan to do a solo ride on my Radrunner Plus on a 114-mile round trip of the New River Trail from Dublin to Galax Virginia with an overnight stay in Galax sometime this year.
Thanks for looking and keep riding Rad!
(Sorry if the photos are out of order but I'm sure y'all can figure it out 👍)



How did you attach the headlight to the handlebars?
I like the idea of the battery up front like that. You just have the two screws from the frame holding the battery mount on?

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