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Started by Tegan, January 13, 2022, 02:10:51 PM

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Hey all, first post, first Bike, 2016 Rad Mini first Gen. It has been a Boat Bike all its life.

I've wanted a Rad since they started making them and was excited to have one offered to me.
Out of the deck locker it came, and "hmm. Thats funny. It started fine a month ago" they say.
I have it now on spec to debug it.

Battery lights come on when on the charger, out of the Bike. No panel response when mounted.
The 5 and 20A fuses seem to have continuity on my cheap MM, but I've ordered new ones anyway.

I see a port on the side of the panel but don't see any utilities to access it online.
Is there a flowchart for debugging RadBikes or ways to do a basic diagnostic?

It's a tired little thing, with perished tyres and rusty bits. (why no SS bolts, jeez)
If there's a new battery or controller needed I'm not sure it makes sense.
What do the people who live inside my magic tablet say?

thanks in Advance, T

Radding Along

It's no secret that saltwater will deteriorate electrical systems. But it sounds like you have a dead battery. If it's one of the early Mini models, I don't doubt the battery has outlived it's usefulness.

Depending on where you live, you may find a Rad service center in your area. Ask if they have an older battery on hand to test your bike out. If I had to guess, Rad probably continues to stock the older battery. But it will probably cost in the $400 to $500 range.

In regards to the controller, that may be harder to find. But you can inquire with customer service to see if they still have them in stock.

I would start by pulling all the connections at the controller, and the display. Make sure they don't have corrosion on them. But your description of the battery not having any lights is a tell take sign of a bad battery. 

You will have to decide if a 6yo ebike is worth investing money into it. Especially one that has lived in a saltwater environment.


I also think that this is a battery issue. There are generic batteries on Amazon that people have bought and they say they work well. I never have done this nor do I know anyone in real life who has done this. At 6 years old  a battery that probably was not stored correctly  should be replaced.

On both of my rad bikes when I get them I go through and unscrew the bolts and use anti-seize on them unless the bolts are critical and then I use blue loctite. That makes it far easier to get bolts in and out especially like on the brakes for when you need to adjust them.

I would also open up that controller, that magic black box and see if there's any corrosion inside there.

Please stay in touch with the forum because I would love to see progress notes on this bike considering I owned a 2020 rad mini

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