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Advice on model choice

Started by Eaglesham, December 12, 2021, 01:37:18 PM

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We are looking for advice on choosing the best bike for my wife
We are undecided between the mini step thru 2 or the city 5 plus step thru
We are seniors ( 69 ) and my wife is 5ft in tall
If anyone in the group of similar height and age group has either of these models we would appreciate your thoughts


My wifes sister has a Mini ST and is in her early 70's. She's short as well. The seat can go really low and the stem can be flipped around to bring the bar reach even closer. She really likes her Mini ST.

Radding Along

Have you checked Rad's website to see where the closest test ride location would be? You really should see the bikes in person. The City is a larger bike compared to the mini. You might also consider the Runner which is low to the ground.


I measured - the lowest height for the seat for a Rad Mini Step Thru is 30.5 inches.  I think it is one of the lowest around.

The seat post does not go down all the way.  I think if you are willing to cut one inch off the bottom of the seat post, it will go down another half inch and you can make the seat height to be 30 inches off the ground.  Seat post, not the seat tube!!!  Don't modify the frame!!  This is my guess and I don't take any responsibility for safety if you cut the seat post.  Also, I have not done it so I do not actually know if this would work.  Do it at your own risk.

My seat is usually higher.  But - it is nice to set it low in the beginning especially if the rider had not ridden a bicycle for a long time.

If I had to do it again, I would buy the mini again because it is already huge compared to my non electric 700c road bike.  E bikes are huge - even the mini.  With a 65 pound bike, I like to keep the weight closer to the ground like in a mini.  I think if a person is not confident and comfortable on a bike, they would not ride it much after the novelty drops off.  So while a person may be able to handle a bigger bike and the bigger bike may fit when riding. The difficulties when dismounted or during a sudden stop may make someone uncomfortable.

I think the mini step thru is a great bike and it is so cheap.  With the money saved, you can buy a 2nd battery - you don't have to but you can think of it that way.  A mini with 2 batteries will beat the rad city step thru in range and power - because you can use assist level 5 for many many miles.  That was my plan all along. But now that I have the bike, I don't think a 2nd battery is needed for my type of riding.  So maybe don't buy the second battery yet.  But knowing what I just said may give you some comfort.

Also get advice from other people.  It is your decision.


I cut the seatpost of the MiniST to get the seat all the way down. Still has enough post left to be safe.


Thanks to everyone who replied
We decided on the Mini s/t
Was pleasantly that they arrived in 7 days and even I was able to put them together
Unfortunately as we live in Barrie Ontario ( in the snow belt area ) we will have to wait for better weather till we are able to do our maiden voyage. 


Seven days? NICE!
Enjoy those bikes when the weather turns nice again.

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