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Carrying Strap for Battery?

Started by DK1983, October 22, 2021, 06:12:37 AM

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Dear Hive Mind:  I just got my radwagon 4 and I've found that the removal of the battery is awkward.  I'm always on the cusp of dropping it when I go to detach it.  I was thinking some kind of custom strap that adheres to the sides (but not underneath) would help me keep a better handle on it.  Has anyone done anything like this?


Quote from: DK1983 on October 22, 2021, 06:12:37 AM
Dear Hive Mind:  I just got my radwagon 4 and I've found that the removal of the battery is awkward.  I'm always on the cusp of dropping it when I go to detach it.  I was thinking some kind of custom strap that adheres to the sides (but not underneath) would help me keep a better handle on it.  Has anyone done anything like this?

I'd try some super-duty velcro like this first; cheap experiment and might be all you need:

Clean the surface with rubbing alcohol, press it in place and let it sit for an hour or two before putting any weight on it.  Lifting upward, it should hold if you run a fairly long strip of it (angle it as needed, so it's applied in the direction you're pulling up, for best strength and adhesion), and outdoor velcro should survive the elements for some time.  Just put front/back together to make a "handle" in the un-stuck portion, or so it so that the fuzzy surface is the one left exposed, not the hooks.
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