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VTEC kicked in...

Started by Altema, October 02, 2021, 08:13:47 PM

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I was on a group ride this week that went into the night, and a couple of Onewheel riders had their batteries give up early. I stopped with the first one, and his battery was too low for the computer to balance the device, so I could not tow him behind the bike to recharge his Onewheel. I stayed with him while he walked for a bit, but he said he was fine and his phone was working. The problem at this point is the group was about a half mile away, and I had no idea where they would go if they turned out of sight. So, I switched to mode 3 and cranked it open! I only had one battery this time and wasn't running at full amperage, and the voltage was sagging more because of that, but I was surprised at how well it got going on flat pavement (pic below).

Then the second Onewheeler battery died, and I towed him for a mile and a half with his regen brakes on to charge his unit. It charged his battery back up to 13%, but there was a problem with his board. So I removed my rack bag, and someone else carried his Onewheel while he rode on my rear rack for the 3 mile trip back. So high speed chasing, plus towing with the brakes on, plus carrying two adults, and the Rad took it all in stride.

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