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brake pad wear?

Started by JimL, September 13, 2021, 03:42:38 PM

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1500 miles on the bike and starting on the 3rd set of brake pads (front and rear).

My normal ride is a 12 mile deal.  From home I ride to a local mountain bike trail (which is 7 mile trail in and out), and then back home.  That means 7 out of every 12 miles is on the trail (with lots of steep hills to climb and descend).

I often do this ride twice or three times a day (it is only 2.5 miles from my house).

Anyone else seeing this much brake pad wear riding mountain bike routes?

Probably normal, but curious about other experiences.


I have the same mileage as you but on mild grade paved trails. Obviously, you can't compare the two. I do like to keep my rotors clean using rubbing alcohol. Paper towell. and rubber gloves about every 75 miles. Still on my 1st pads.


Thanks for your reply.  It clears my mind that it is just the conditions I ride, and not something inherently weak about our brakes.

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