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How about a Group Ride thread topic?

Started by RJ in Tucson, May 21, 2021, 11:00:09 AM

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RJ in Tucson

I'd  love to connect with other RAD owners for rides and I bet many others would as well.
Keep it simple to start. Just let people post when/where they want to ride. With my new rack, I can now hit trails and ride in other towns and locations in AZ and beyond.

How about it? Anyone else interested?


I'd be happy to add a spot on the forum for this if there is enough interest.


This is a great idea, would love to connect with other Ebike owners in the Cincinnati and tri-state area. We also travel and camp quite a bit and will have the bikes with us.


I would like this, and I'm sure it will be come more popular with the rise of e-bikes and the tapering off of the pandemic. I've been on one official group ride and LOVED it. I had a spontaneous group ride a couple weeks ago, when a guy who builds e-bikes stopped to ask questions about my bike, and the six of us rode for about 7 miles together.
This weekend I'll be riding with Shreddie McSkate on the East coast.


Count me in! I've seen several Rad bikes in my area but have yet to connect with other riders. This would be a great addition to the forum.



Quote from: Ryan on July 06, 2021, 02:19:04 PM
Sorry for the delay here. Here you go, a board for group rides!
Thanks Ryan! I'm keeping my eye out for Rad groups or any groups nearby. There are a LOT of new e-bike owner around and a very large variety of different brands, but I still see a Rad now and then. On the last group ride is Delaware, there were two Rad bikes in the group of 12, and that was cool.

I'm missing a big group ride right now because a friend of my wife is moving this weekend. It's tough because I wanted to go badly, and I had several people call me out by name on a live YouTube show.

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