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Messages - pplupo

Hi! This is my first post here, forgive me if I made it in the wrong category.
I've just bought my radmini 4 and I'm looking for something where I can place my phone and a few other small things while I'm riding. I like to have the phone where I can see it so I can use it for navigation.

So I found this, which seems perfect:

Except that the radmini doesn't really have a long stem and the display/controller sits right there in the middle. So my concern is that I won't be able to place this in the handle appropriately and it will slide downwards with the weight of the bag contents.

Does anyone have this on a similar handle or have a suggestion for a similar bag that supports seeing the phone? It doesn't have to allow using the phone as I will always stop if I need to use it, so I can take it out of the bag if needed, but I'd like to be able to see it.

Thank you all, in advance.