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Messages - SergeL

Quote from: pnwetc on June 01, 2022, 06:06:48 PM
Quote from: SergeL on May 17, 2022, 12:07:28 PM
This rack was hard to get (still not sure how I managed, since it had been on back-order for several weeks here in Canada, when a window of opportunity opened for seemingly a few hours, then closed right back!)

Funny enough, I was struggling to find this adapter online earlier this month, and then I happened to walk into my lbs in Metro Vancouver and found like 6-7 of them hanging from a rack. Snatched it up for a decent price too.

I still haven't figured out the best way to mount this thing to my RR+. I'm aiming for a modular approach (I currently switch out my passenger seat and my large basket depending on what I'm doing), but the best ways to secure this rack seem to be more permanent than I was hoping for since it's not a natural fit. If I figure out any great options, I'll be sure to share them here.

I guess my reply was not precise enoough. The window of opportunity I mentioned was with respect to the RadMini rear rack, which always seemed to be out of stock in Canada (but not on their US website, but they wouldn't ship to Canada).

The Topeak adapter, well, I managed to order from Germany. Had I found any locally, I sure would have jumped on the opportunity. But thanks, good to know that there are still some local shops that carry good stuff!
Rad Modifications / Re: Turn signals
June 01, 2022, 12:08:43 AM
Quote from: NaturallyBikes on May 25, 2022, 05:18:21 AM
For me,  these diagrams would be more useful if they showed the cyclist turning his head like the Exorcist girl, to scout for vehicles. Focusing straight ahead while holding out one puny arm is a sure-fire way to be knocked off your bike by your typical motorist, sadly.

I guess you're one of those people who need to have everything spelled out. O fourse, you check for the traffic behind and your surrondings in general before signalling. A bar-end mirror (Mirrycle bike mirror comes to mind; i can't ride without it. Mind you, with 50 years of driving a car, checking in my rear-view mirror is second nature even on a bike).

My points were:
-1: (to answer the original poster): I would not rely on tiny, gadgety bar-end lights to signal my intentions. Nor on small rear blinking lights that may very well be invisible from certain angles.

-2: (with respect to the signal chart posted previously): those signals are not the standard, at least here in North-America. Whle the chart may be fine for the Philippines, it is not quite accurate here. If we are to tell people to sgnal, just as well that we show them what the standard signals are. In other words, make sure everybody speaks and understands the same language.

And I'll keep checking my rear-view mirror to make sure it is safe to signal and follow up (with a shoulder check where warranted, especially for left-hand turns).

Rad Modifications / Re: JUIN TECH M1 BRAKES
May 23, 2022, 01:23:42 PM
Quote from: Tony on May 21, 2022, 08:14:42 AM
On my Mini 4. I fitted XOD hydraulic brakes after doing the motor and controller upgrade.  I now need new brake pads . I notice I?m a bit late with this as my front Disc/rotor is scored.  I can replace this no problem but while I?m at it, is it advisable/possible to fit a larger disc/rotor.     Tony

I am still investigating various hydraulic options for my RadMini ST2, XOD being one of them (Tektro the other one). Out of curiosity, what length for the rear brake hose did you require?

Regarding the rotor upsize, you may have to deal with figuring what adapter or shims you would need to match the larger rotor diameter (and whether the fork can withstand the extra forces applied, which might be iffy with a Rad; caveat: based on what I have read so far.). I would probably stick to the same size rotor, maybe a notch up quality-wise, maybe a floating one.

Rad Modifications / Re: Turn signals
May 22, 2022, 10:04:33 PM
Quote from: Hehateme on April 11, 2022, 07:28:37 PM

These hand signals from Bern Philippines's facebook do not quite jive with what is taught motorcyclists (yes, they also use them) here in Ontario, which is likely typical of North American usage (I learned to ride and drive in another jurisdiction, where those same signals are used). Hee is an interesting read on the topic, with a no-nonsense pictorial

Alternately, from the Harvard School of Public Health: 

Rad Modifications / Re: JUIN TECH M1 BRAKES
May 20, 2022, 04:09:45 PM
Update, re original pads on my RadMini ST2. I gathered the courage to have a look at the original pads that were on the Tektro Aries (MD-M300) calipers and found out (after the red colour hinted at it) that the originals on my bike are Tektro P20.11s .

Where it gets interesting is the version of their pad compatibility chart I had lists them as "Metal ceramic compound high performance" pads. However, a 2021 version of the chart simply describes them as "Over all balance performance resin pad" (ref.: ). 

Now I promise I will stop editing this post. Unless I find yet more new information.
You may have a look here for some inspiration.

I managed to adapt the same Topeak adapter to the rear rack on my RadMini ST2. This rack was hard to get (still not sure how I managed, since it had been on back-order for several weeks here in Canada, when a window of opportunity opened for seemingly a few hours, then closed right back!)

Good luck, and please post pictures when it's done!

RadMini / Re: Rad Mini Pedals Size
December 07, 2021, 01:15:36 PM
9/16 is quite universal, giving plenty of options. I found the pedals on my Mini a bit slippery and replaced them with some japanese folding pedals found on Amazon. They're an improvement, slippage-wise, and make it easier to scrape mud off soles.

To Rad's credit, I found the original pedals on the Rad a clear improvement over what my Cannondale at twice the price was outfitted with.
RadRover / Re: RAD ROVER6+ has no key lock out?
November 24, 2021, 07:50:41 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on October 26, 2021, 07:48:48 AM
I saw that on Ryan's City video and got it confirmed here yesterday by a new City owner.  How incredibly stupid to not spend a bit more money on a $2,000 bike to lock out power to the system, especially when that feature has been standard on older models for years.

On the other hand, did you know that the previous-generation batteries (i.e. almost all of them) can be unlocked and stolen with a simple uncut blank key available for 7 bucks on eBay?  I carry a blank on my keyring to prove it to other Rad owners who don't believe me when I tell them.

Rad seemingly still hasn't figured out key locks yet, for some reason.

re the "universal key": went to a lockmith's to have them cut a spare key for my battery, which I had taken along. I gave them the blank reference number to save time. One of the locksmiths there told the one helping me that those are the batteries that work with a blank key, no need to cut them. He was adamant about not cutting it, since a cut key might not work so well on my battery! 
Rad Modifications / Re: Extension cables
November 14, 2021, 07:49:09 PM
Quote from: MagnumPA on November 13, 2021, 08:25:15 PM
Speaking of extension cables, does anyone know how many pin plug is needed for a RadRunner Plus tail light extension?  I don't really like how it's hidden under the rack/seat.  Has anyone tried a Y splitter cable to run an extra light?

Rear combination taililight/brake light on the RadMini step-through has 4-pin (Julet) connectors; yours is very likely the same. I bought such an extension on Amazon . To make extra sure it is the right one, nothing like pulling the connectors apart. RadPower inistructs to pull them apart straight out, but those things can be quite stubborn, especially in colder temperaturs (trust me; found out recently with temperature near freezing inside my garage; warming up connector slightly wth a heat gun works wonders).

Looking at the position of that light on your bike, I wouldn't change it if it were mine; it should be plenty visible, especially when seen by approaching vehicles, and has some protection from rain and bumps. I like how my Rad rear rack improved the location of the tail-/brake- light on my Mini (now looks quite like yours does).

Rickyboy: regarding your warranty concerns, this from Rad's own website: « All Rad Power Bikes ("RPB") ebikes (the "ebikes"), and their individual Covered Components (as defined herein), are protected against all manufacturing defects in material or workmanship for one (1) year after receipt of the ebike by the customer (the "Warranty Period"). This Limited Warranty is only applicable to Canadian ebike purchases « 

Hope you get to enjoy your new bike soon!
I have the Microshift Mezzo as well on my (2021) RadMini ST2, with Shimano shifter. Been doing some digging, and looks like Microshift is based in Taiwan, with an office in Bloomington. They list several OE partners, such as Giant, Cannondale, Cube, etc.

Interestingly, going through Microshift's 2021 and 2020 catalogues, I see the Mezzo is listed as an 8-9 speed rear derailleur ("Mezzo Rear Derailleur 8/9 Speed Long Cage - RD-M36L" as an example, since I am not sure which one we have, short or long). Here is a link to the Mezzo group page

Could this use of an 8-9 speed-intended derailleur with a 7-speed indexed shifter explain why some of us have those "jumpy gears"? Should I try to get a Shimano derailleur on my own and hope it fixes the issue? Long or short cage?

RadMini / Re: Bike Rack
October 30, 2021, 06:40:55 PM
Quote from: MikeHancock on May 16, 2021, 09:02:19 AM
I am looking for a rack that is wide enough to hold the front fork with the wheel removed. All of them that I have come across are for 100mm front forks. I think that I need a 135mm for the RadMini. What I am looking for looks like this:
Has anybody found one that will work?

To answer the original poster's specific question, this may just be the ticket, from the same website:

It's too cold out tonight to go into the garage and compare measurements off my own RadMini ST2, but I will trust his measuring skills. 7mm dfference is, what, about 1/4", so close enough I think for his application. Alternatives accomodating different forkspreads are also listed Of course, as always, YMMV.
Quote from: joelee on August 23, 2021, 05:52:44 AM
Our Rad Mini ST2 is a week old, and has the same Microshift Mezzo deraileur. The bike will not stay in 6th gear without trying to shift. All other gears are OK, and I've made the adjustments to deraileur per Rad video online. On close inspection it looks like one of the teeth on the guide pulley is bent. Also, inspection of the cassette, (or cogset) shows that several of the teeth are slightly bent out of place. When I unpackaged the bike the chain was not on the front sprocket, but resting on the inside of it, by the frame. Not sure if this little bit of torque on the cassette could have bent the teeth, but I guess it is possible. In either case, I will be contacting RPB today to try and get resolution, and express my disappointment with their choice of substitution parts. I've used Shimano gearing on my bikes for over 50 years, and have never seen anything like this. Will post when I get a resolution.

Same thing here, re substitution derailleur and shifty 6th gear on a RadMini ST2 received this past mid-August. What was Rad's reply to your concern? Reply I got was not really helpful, roughly along the lines of « easy fix, your derailleur needs adjusting, please check our online guide at https etc. I figured a way to work around the issue by fiddling with the barrel adjuster (7 clicks counter-clockwise as seen from behind, so far. At about four clicks, the shiftiness went from 6th to 2nd gear, now seems tamed, at least for the time being). Oh, and the quite experienced bike mechanic who delivered the bike and performed the final adustments and fine-tuning had had quite a time getting it almost there.
Rad Modifications / Re: JUIN TECH M1 BRAKES
October 17, 2021, 06:42:26 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on October 14, 2021, 09:42:31 AM
Quote from: Altema on October 13, 2021, 04:06:55 PM
They are Tectro E10.11 pads, available on Amazon here:
Now that I look at the package, they are organic, but I do see bit of copper in the material. So, not sure if they really are an upgrade, but they work so much better than the hydraulics that I thought they were semi-metallic.

They are available in a 2-pack (two pairs for two wheels) at a better price here: but according to the recent price history from the Camels, they should drop below $20 again soon, so I'm holding off placing an order until they do, since I don't have a pressing current need.

Interesting about the E10.11 as an upgrade, since they are what RadPower sell on their website - and might be the original pads on their bikes?
RadMini / Re: RadMini ST rear rack questions
October 16, 2021, 06:33:01 PM
Update: I managed to get my hands on a RadMini rear rack (sheer luck? It seemed to be available here on the Canadian website for maybe a full day).

The rack I received had four oval-shaped mounting holes, which greatly facilitated alignment and installation. To make life easier, I tapped all four threaded mounting points on the bike (M5 top, M6 bottom) - which was THE thing to do. I worked from outboard in on all four and could tighten everything nice without stripping anything.
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