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1200 miles, Balance Battery time?

Started by santacruzpaul, October 12, 2021, 04:24:23 PM

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Thanks for the knowledge all, Please chime in with any other tips


Quote from: JimInPT on October 16, 2021, 09:26:17 AM
The battery pack has a finite number of charge cycles (in excess of 800 or so for Rad packs, but there is a limit), so I think dropping it lower to reduce the number of charge cycles is beneficial as long as it doesn't go below 2 bars very often.
A charge cycle is a complete charge from 0% to 100%.  If your battery is at 50% State of Charge, you're only charging a half cycle. Charging twice from 50% SOC is one full cycle.

I know Rad quotes 800 cycles, but as I stated the Samsung spec sheet lists 500 cycles at 60% capacity. If you're taking short rides and charging after every ride, you'll still have ample charge to finish your ride at 60% capacity.  However, if you're taking long rides and using most of your battery's capacity, 60% means you will be falling short. Note that Rad quotes 800 cycles, but does not say what the battery capacity will be at 800. It's not like the batteries just stop working. They lose capacity all throughout their working life (and shelf life for that matter). When the battery becomes unusable depends upon how you ride.


Dick, you're absolutely right about the battery not just dropping dead at 800 cycles, of course, but I didn't want to belabor the point.  I hope I didn't mislead anybody.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.

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