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Topics - T-Hawker


I just took delivery of my Rover 6 Plus this past Friday.  I opened it last night and began assembly.

I attempted to turn on the battery to check the charge and it did not light up at all.  Thinking it was in ship mode, I pressed and held the button on the battery for 5-10 seconds - well beyond the 3 seconds Rad suggests in their assembly video -  and still nothing.

My display connector was unplugged from the factory so, even though I believe the battery monitor on the battery should display it's LED bar level even if it's out of the bike, I plugged the display in but it also did not have any affect.

I assume the key is simply to physically lock the battery in the bike and does not have anything to do which electronics.

I have not tried putting the battery on the charger.  I'm hoping it's not completely dead since I know that will negatively affect it's long term performance.

thanks in advance for your reply.