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two bikes different power levels

Started by Robin3654, August 24, 2023, 05:28:51 AM

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Thank you in advance for reading this post. I ordered two RadRunner Plus bikes in July of 2023, one for myself and one for my wife.

One bike has no problems going up hills at power level 2. The other bike struggles to go up the same hill at power level 5. I thought maybe it was due to different weights of the riders. I weigh around 210 lbs. and so we switched bikes and still see the same issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks, Robin


You might stick a piece of tape on the battery of the slow bike to mark it, then swap batteries.


I assumed you have already reported it to RAD Power Bikes support before your warranty expires.
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.


Yes, do the battery test to see if it's the battery or the bike, then contact Rad. Either the bike has a defect, or is programmed for weaker EU specifications.

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