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Assist steps and gears for hilly terrain.

Started by SitkaRover5, December 10, 2020, 03:03:43 PM

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I am a new rider with only 50 miles on my new RadRover 5 here in Southeast Alaska. I seem to be having difficulty finding the best gear and or pedal assist for some very hilly packed gravel trails. Is there a "rule of thumb" for shifting up or down as well as the pedal assist. I am 80 years old and this part of riding off of the main roads is giving me a bit of a problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration and help.


Just like a regular geared bike. The lower the gear the easier it is to peddle up a hill. I was able to climb a super steep grass hill in first gear with peddle assist 5. I was just playing around but it was steep enough where the front tires were not firmly planted.


Sitka glad to hear you're still riding at 80!!! As one of the early Rad Riders since 2017 I must tell you that unfortunately the Rad Rover is not a powerful off road hill climber, the hub drive motor cannot compete with mid-drives on the hills. That said I have taken my Rad to some high places which required lots of pedal assist from me with eventually using the "walk assist" function. I'll offer up my best advice to reach the summit and not fry the Bafang rear hub motor (easily done if overheated).

1.Always use the lowest gear! Take your time and enjoy the experience.
2.Any pedal assist from YOU is beneficial and almost mandatory, using throttle alone will overheat on steep hills.
3.When you do use throttle, watch your display, if you are exceeding 500 watts under full load and bogging down, the internal hub is heating up and bye bye motor.
4.When it gets real steep, get off and use the walk function.
5.What goes up must come down. Steep downhills on the way back can literally be your downfall, lower seat and make sure you periodically adjust your breaks (very easy to do with the mechanical, its just a turn of the allen wrench.)


Let me add that on hills I use whatever pedal assist level is necessary and I always try to avoid using the throttle, if you are bogging down at level 5 then the throttle will too but with severely reduced battery life and damaging heat. If its moderate and I'm feeling strong I'm usually on level 2. When the incline increases I often end up at level 4 and sometimes 5.



Thank you so much Joe Utah . Very helpful information. I did finally use the walking mode and it helped me up the hill too. I think that I was on the right track but it is best to ask help and suggestions from that have much more experience. Thanks again.


Helpful information JoeUtah, thank you. I'll be sure to let off the throttle a bit and use leg power on steep hills.

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