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Topics - twistydave

The bike is sketchy because the whole thing wobbles. The handle bars really want to wobble back and forth at all speeds.  Slow speeds are the worst, especially when turning slowing.  Feels like I am riding a writhing snake with MS.   The faster I go it smooths out some but sill if I take my hands off the handle bars it starts.  Really sucks not to trust the bike.   I commute every day and and since they sent me this replacement bike it has been getting worst.  I figured it was something loose but cant find anything nor could the local bike mechanic.  The bike is set up with some mods.  I bought the  front and rear racks. On the rear I have an additional 20Ah battery.   I'm thinking Rad replaced my first bike with a reconditioned bike that has a bent frame.  Any ideas?????
Can we attach a Y connection to the headlight power cord to power another light?

I am wanting a bit more light at times.   The thought of not having another battery to charge is appealing.

Does anyone know the type of cable attachment to use?

I did do a search  but didn't find anything.
What do ya'll think?

Say about $300 for kit, hopefully less. I think from my very limited knowledge base will give ~1+amps for charging.

A Rockpal 100w foldable case is 14x20x2 inches , 9.5 lbs and uses durable and 23%effecent Sunpower solar cells.
A controller which is yet to be chosen can be just a few ounces. 

So, lets just say ,10lbs of solar charging could get 1amp.  I suppose it would take 2 days to fully charge the battery since in the US we get about 5 hrs of full sun a day. 

My thoughts are to increase my range for day rides and overnight off grid fun.   A specific example is  there are a few great fishing /cool spots that are about 8-15 miles off any motorized road.  These paths are gravel or single track.  When I get to the destination of fishing, etc... set up the panels and get an extra bit of charge.

What do you think?

Also, I'm not sure if I could open just one of the panels and put on the back rack to get a 25 watt panel collecting while riding?   I have read something about if part of a panel is shaded the entire panel drops to the shaded (lowest producing) level of energy production.  I not sure if that is all panels or just a type.  Does anyone know?