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Visited a Bike Shop Yesterday

Started by CG31, September 11, 2020, 12:51:44 PM

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My Radrover is set to ship soon so I visited a local bike shop to look at a new helmet. Got to talking to the owner and one thing led to another and I had mentioned I recently purchased a ebike online and would be receiving it soon. He responded and said I hope it isn't one of those RAD bikes. Well I answered yes, his reply from a bike mechanics point of view was he just didn't like them. He didn't elaborate much nor did I expect him to, he did say they should be a lot of fun but you are basically on your own when it comes to service. But to be fair that is his policy with any online bike. This does have me somewhat concerned though with no RAD service in my geographic area.


Same thing here in Finland if you go to a local bike shop and ask them the same question. The answer will be "Do not buy from online shops, you will get in big trouble! Buy from my shop, I will give you the best service in world!"

Bisnes is bisnes as you can see. ;)


Yes I understand his negative sentiment towards online sales especially RAD. Just read an article on Electrek that RAD controls 25% of the US market and the other 75% is spread out across 100 brands.


Local shops can service the derailleur, brakes, and spoke adjustment, but not much else.
Of course they prefer that you buy from them, as they profit from the bike itself and from your expected service visits. It's a financial bias.

Andy Finney

It is sad that so many bike shops maintain that attitude. I live in North Idaho and there are a couple of bike shops here that have no problem with on-line bike sales. They are happy to service them for you. I took my RADCity ST to one and the bike tech went over it from front to back, adjusted a couple of spokes and sent me on my way without charge. He said there was nothing wrong with the bike and he was glad to do it to ensure my safety.

He did remind me that he has a full line of accessories that I may be interested in....


I have 2 ebike shops in my area. I buy my accessories from them and have them do the service work as well. I have a Pedego mirror on my Rad! But anyways, both shops offered to service it when the time comes with no attitude. The one shop owner was giving me friendly grief, as we get along pretty good, but when its all said and done its another ebike on the road and that's whats important. If one of the ebike shops sold what I wanted I would have purchased it thru them but not many ebikes out there by the "major" brands like the RadRunner. But neither shop has the proprietary software to check the computer should something come up but both shops have experience working with different brands and have great trouble shooting skills, so I'm not worrying to much. Plus Rad still backs their products.

Gene Pozniakoff

I visit and spend money at my local bike shop here in St. Louis, MO. WheelHouse Bicycle's and the owner Nathan & Sam are very helpful and not derogatory towards E-Bikes. They are sure that good service and customer care will ensure their continued survival! And of course, I give them a shout out frequently for what they do! 


I had an interesting bike shop experience yesterday. My wife told me a friend's husband had questions about e-bikes, and wanted me to call him. I figured I'd call him later in the day, and went to a bike shop looking for a new saddle before ordering online. I turn to leave the store, and there's the guy I was supposed to talk to, asking the shop staff about e-bikes! The store didn't sell e-bikes, but the lady was giving him some good advice and didn't seem anti-e-bike. I kinda chimed in before he realized who he was, and we had a good laugh. He asked what kind I had and I told him, and the lady didn't cringe, so that's good. I offered to bring my Rad bike to his house for a test drive, so we'll see how that goes.

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