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Messages - fallendaemon

I received my RadMini 4 Electric Folding Bike last summer and love it. I had to upgrade the Seatpost to a 500mm from Taiwan as at 6.3 and a 32 inseam it was way too short. Now to the question : I apparently have the latest tire set but after just a few rides I got a simple household thumb tack right in the center of the tire which sadly deflated it in no time to my surprise. I was under the impression that these tires were supposed to be puncture proof. Is there a type/style/model that is suitable for replacing these as I can figure out what kind of tire it actually is or spects to go shipping for. I would love some information on these for future reference. Are there other tire manufacturers that are now making these type of tires as I seem to be seeing them on other makers bikes now. Is my tire defective because of a tack causing leak or is tcat normal for these. I have called to a local bike shop and they say these tires can't be fixed which surprises me. Are these tubeless or do they require innertubes, which I think could be payched? Also, I noticed that there are a heavy-duty tire on Rad's website that says puncture proof, so are they really as I live in a rural mountain area in the Pacific NW and at 63 I can't be out far away and have this happen. Thanks in advance for your help here folks...   Jeff