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Rad Power Bikes Handlebar Mitts for Winter (Pogies)

Started by Ryan, January 07, 2021, 08:59:40 AM

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Living in Wisconsin I have found handlebar mitts a great accessory for winter riding. I have tested both Rock Bros and Bar Mitts handlebar grips and have been pleased with both. Now Rad Power Bikes is selling their own handlebar mitts for $79. What's cool about these is that they are custom made for the swept-back bars found on the Rad Models. Plus they seem to offer more room for braking and adjusting the PAS. Here they are on Rad's website:

I am impressed with the design - to be determined if they provide the same or more protection as the other brands. I might have to pick up a set of these to test them out.

Dan B

I purchased a set of the Bar Mitts before Rad came out with their own. The Bar Mitts work OK on the Rad Rover, however it is a little tight in there with your gloved hands and all the levers shifters etc.. the Mitts fit tight over the shifters, which sometimes cause minor problems with shifting, but you learn quick how to compensate and make it happen. I can usually wear light cotton gloves down to about freezing temps, which makes making the shifting and PAS changes go pretty well. Sounds like Rad has it figured out though..


How do they (Rad or the others) go around the mirrors if your bike has them? I noticed Rad posted no picture of them installed with mirror(s) mounted.


Quote from: sc00ter on January 07, 2021, 08:04:06 PM
How do they (Rad or the others) go around the mirrors if your bike has them? I noticed Rad posted no picture of them installed with mirror(s) mounted.
There is no opening on top, and they attach via a plug that goes into the end of the handlebars. Only thing I can think of, is using mirrors that mount into the handle bar end, and using the mirror to hold the bar mitt in place instead of the supplied cap. Looks like we might need someone to do a review on them, like Ryan (hint! hint!).


They look like a good design. But, I'm not sure if these bar mitts with regular gloves would be as warm as my electric gloves, which are too big to work with bar mitts (I think). The electric gloves work ok, but I still find my thumbs getting cold after an hour of riding. If these mitts, plus standard gloves, are warmer in the long run, I might switch.

Dan B

Concerning the mirror issue I have Bar Mitts on my Rad Rover as listed above... on the Bar mitts mine came with what I would call a small patch like square of material that is sewn into the end of the bar Mitt where your grip plug sits.. I simply took a knife and made a cut in this patch and fitted my bar end mirror shaft through that incision and on into the handle bar opening..I am not sure about mounting any type other than bar end mirrors though.. works great on my bike though..


Hey did anyone have trouble installing their Rad mitts? I tried to put mine on a few days ago and couldn't get the new end caps into the handlebar ends. They seemed too wide. Granted, I had waited too long to do this and it was freezing out and getting dark and my hands were stiff with cold ... but the process didn't seem as simple as I feel it should be. Thanks for any help / advice.

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