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Messages - John Rose

Service & Repair / Re: Rad rover 6 plus no throttle or PAS
September 15, 2024, 06:43:03 PM
Quote from: 6plusradrover on September 02, 2024, 12:18:27 PM... There is a little red light near the pedals that flashes when the pedal is moving forward. When pedaling, the watts will show up to 003 watts but again no assist or throttle.
3 Watts isn't very much. Even Walk Mode should burn up something on the order of 30 watts.

That red light is odd. It makes no mention of it at all in the Owner's Manual.
The fact that it flashes when the pedals turn sounds like it has to do with the cadence sensor. Is it something like 12 or so flashes per revolution?

QuoteBegan my ride home and about 5 minutes in, the throttle and pas kicked in and haven't had an issue since.
Wait, did you actually mean "haven't had an issue until now", or does it still work since that first time a few months ago?

How about Walk Mode? (Press and hold the Down arrow on the remote.) Does that work? I'm guessing that does not depend on anything related to the cadence sensor or twisting the throttle.
The brake handle cut-out switches would probably work the same as usual.

Somebody on has this theory:
"It indicates the bike has power. I think it's intended to warn someone doing maintenance work that they forgot to remove the battery."
Rad Modifications / Re: Rad Runner 2 - Mid Console Speaker
September 08, 2024, 12:42:49 PM
🤔 What do you do if it starts to rain? ☔️
Rad Modifications / Re: Cafe lock with chain
September 04, 2024, 09:33:17 AM
Quote from: Naranja_CT5+ on August 31, 2024, 08:43:41 AMI found that the model I bought was not capable of using the ABUS adaptor chain.

I've mentioned either make or buy, and it appears I found a price I can live with. and the reviews are not bad.
That looks alright.
Does the shackle of the cafe lock fit through the small links?
[edit - Oh. I see that this post duplicates some info I already gave. Update: We sold the Fit, and I never got around to seeing if I could get both bikes into it.]

Quote from: radex5owner... I'm assuming with the seats down, the handle bars are folded down,  you are putting your bike on their side, right or rolling it in upright? Sound like a two person job to me?  I wonder if a ramp might help?

It was a two-person job getting them into the CRV. On this trip, I put them in transversely, with frame folded and handlebars folded down.
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Notice that there is still lots of room in the folded-down back seat.

The last time we took them anywhere though, I found that we did not have to fold the frame, just the handlebars. I put them in side-by-side facing forward and leaning to the left. I should've had a big piece of cardboard between them, and a second piece on the side that was leaning against the passenger door.

Recently though, I found two Rubbermaid Roughneck 189 litre/50 gallon bins at Canadian Tire for a decent price. It'll be easier to lift.

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This guy shows how he loads his 65 lb folding bike with a bin and a ramp, but I'm pretty sure one could do it without a ramp:
We have not tried loading ours with a bin yet.
They really should select a combination of charging port and key shape such that you cannot reach the centre pin in the charging port with the tip of the key. Maybe something as simple as grinding down the tip of the key somehow. Or a charging port that is not coaxial but has two side-by-side pins, isolated from each other. It would not matter if you touched the key to eithert single pin. It would also be visually very different from the key switch.
Malls and train stations should have bike racks indoors, like next to food courts or between kiosks, or other places where there are eyes and ears. People would notice somebody using a bolt cutter or angle grinder a few feet away.

Quote from: Tree on August 25, 2024, 10:14:04 AMthis seems to be the very definition of first world problems.
Not really. It's an issue all over the world, especially in the third world where a bike might be a big investment and maybe necessary to make a livelihood.

A First World Problem would be not being able to decide what colour of handlebar grips to buy.
Rad Modifications / Re: Cafe lock with chain
August 25, 2024, 12:48:48 PM
Quote from: Naranja_CT5+ on August 25, 2024, 12:09:08 AM... I am not sure yet if I would buy the chain or make my own choke chain and attached it to the shackle.
You would have to be able to weld (not just pinch, or screw together) the large ring onto the end link, or else bring both end links around to the shackle, which spoils the fun.
Rad Modifications / Re: Cafe lock with chain
August 24, 2024, 09:27:52 PM
I was about to say "Nah - that's impossible!", but just now I went into the basement and tried it out.

Yup. You can stick the chain end into the lock without a key, and it's locked in.
What is impossible (on the Rad-branded cafe lock at least) is closing the wheel lock without the key.

This is why I keep my wheel lock key on the same ring as the battery key. If I do accidentally lock the chain in I'm probably still at home.

I am enjoying that "choke chain" type ring scheme though. You have a lot more options compared to having to bring both ends of a chain or cable together.
If a faulty or misadjusted brake handle switch kills the throttle and PAS, wouldn't it also show up as an Error 25 when you power it up?

Service & Repair / Re: Upside Down Motor?
August 24, 2024, 01:58:50 AM
The only way I could see is if the guts of the motor was reversed left/right with respect to the cassette, a sort of "upside-down" I guess, but then wouldn't it run backwards? That's the sort of fault one would notice right away. If it was possible.
On the Youtube channel Shifter he points out that one of the best things a city can do for cycling infrastructure is to have bike parking garages that are staffed. Which some cities (like Amsterdam) do have.

In a shopping centre near me they have sheet metal bike lockers in the parking lot that completely cover the bike, but you provide the padlock. There's no security watching them, so they are not safe from guys with portable angle grinders. At least you can't see if it's an expensive looking bike.
General Chat / Re: New RadKick | Thoughts?!
August 08, 2024, 02:27:52 PM
None on the Canadian site yet.
QuoteHub Motor: Rear hub 500W, 40 Nm
What up with that?
Aren't most of the U.S. models 750W, 100 Nm?
They're still 55 pounds, which isn't exactly a featherweight.

Oh. US$1,199 and 36V.
Good enough for the Prairies, I guess, but there must be lots of other 36V options (brands) that are cheaper and lighter.
That looks like it would do the job. 👍
I've also seen a version with just a zip tie. A really big zip tie with a large locking end.
Hmmm. 🤔

This display is new to me, so I have no idea, but I'm willing to bet that if you do some button-mashing and more-or-less follow the procedure for finding the menus on bikes with this sort of display ...

... then you'd probably get lucky and stumble onto a menu to bump the speed limit up a few klicks. Make a note of any original settings that you later change, in case Things Go Horribly Wrong.

I do know that you can't change anything with the all-in-one LED display.
Service & Repair / Re: Headlight not turning off
August 07, 2024, 10:27:34 PM
I'm still curious about whether or not turning the key completely off helps at all.
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