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Options for tight fit with caboose and child seat on RadWagon 4?

Started by sarah, October 20, 2021, 05:54:56 PM

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Hi all,

We are using the caboose with a Yepp maxi seat. My kid is 3.5 and at or below the max weight for the seat but she's tall enough that now her legs are hitting against the caboose bars. Last time we took a short ride she told me her legs hurt. There is very little clearance there because of the angle of the caboose. Some options I've considered:

  • Add pads. Not sure there's enough room for this or that she won't still be uncomfortable even with a bit of padding if her knees are pinned against the caboose bars.
  • Remove the caboose. But she likes holding onto it and I want her to get used to holding onto it for the future when she's big enough to ride without a seat.
  • Move the Yepp seat to the 2nd (rear) rack position. This is a no-no according to the documentation but not sure how bad of an idea it is.
Are there any good solutions besides removing the caboose? Is there some kind of intermediate bike seat I could attach that would buckle her in a bit but give her more leg room? I'm kind of frustrated because we spent a lot on the Yepp seat plus the caboose (not to mention the bike) and now we can't really use them together.


I have the yepp seat mounted on the back position. The Radwagon is designed to carry two of these seats so I don't see a problem using either of the designated positions.


We had child seat in the back position with no caboose until recently when youngest hit the limit. It was never a problem and kids don't need to get used to holding the caboose; they'll do it instinctively. It's probably the opposite; try to get them used to just sitting in the caboose without some form of death grip. Especially when the weather is cooler and the bars are chilly. They can drink, eat (I know, not ideal; but it shows how relaxed they are if they want to snack).
If your daughter is 3.5 and at the max size for the seat then she'll be OK in the caboose with the bars at the narrowest fitting. You can always drop a lap-belt in if you're worried about her sliding around.

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