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I think I need a more comfortable seat

Started by Naranja_CT5+, May 11, 2024, 02:48:22 PM

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I swapped the RAD seat to a 2023 Trek suspension seat. After nearly 40 km it became unbearable to continue riding. I took off the RAD seat because I wanted to use Treks suspension post. I'll test how the RAD seat with the Trek post next.

Total Distance: 38.5 km
Elev gain: 277 m
Avg speed: 17.7 km/h
Energy used: 4 bars
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.

John Rose

The chronological order is a bit vague. Which combo was "unbearable"?
Was it the Rad seat on the Rad post, or the Trek Seat on the Trek post?
RadMini ST 2 / RadExpand 5

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