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Messages - Barbara Seymour

The Yepp Maxi does not fit over the cargo bags. I didn't pay enough attention to this and wish I had. I wonder if Rad is going to come out with cargo bags that somehow work with this setup? Rad says that the pannier works with the Yepp, but when they are reasonably full they smush my child's feet and don't work if the seat is in the back and the bags in the front. Note in this set up you can only have one child in the seat and the bags, another child's legs don't fit comfortably with the bags.
RadWagon / Re: Child Seat Woes
June 16, 2021, 04:12:05 AM
I know that the original question was from quite a while ago, but in case helpful to others searching for this info I have a few additions.

Adding the Yepp seat works, but makes it nearly impossible to put any cargo bags on the back (I wish I had paid more attention to this). My child is almost 5 and still uses the seat - but we go up and down some various serious hills and when we first moved to where we are now she was used to being in the seat so didn't want to get out. I'm just waiting until she says doesn't want to use it. I used the caboose because it gives her something to hold on to when we go over really big pot holes that even send me out of the seat. In addition, when we ride in the city it forces cars to give clearance.
General Chat / Re: Radwagon passengers and cargo
May 25, 2021, 02:03:10 PM
Dottiegonerad2021 - thanks! Any chance you could send me a picture?

Dan - thank you for the suggestion but I really don't want to make the bike any longer.
General Chat / Radwagon passengers and cargo
May 20, 2021, 01:12:18 PM
Hi - How do people manage cargo and passengers on the Radwagon? If I have two kids on the back it seems like my only option is the front rack. I need more space for all of their stuff! I feel like I must be missing something obvious.

Thanks for any advice,