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Topics - John McNeilly

Hi everyone, thanks for this great forum! I first tried searching this topic to see if I could find already existing discussions about this topic, but didn't have any luck. Please forgive any repetitiveness if I missed something.

Yesterday I bought a RadRover 5. I was originally gung-ho on the Wagon, as I'm 6'4", 315 pounds. That bike met all my specs. However, after talking to a very nice young man at RadPower, and kind of wanting a cooler, sleeker bike, I ended up buying the RadRover 5, which I'm pumped about. Only later did I realize the specs for that bike are different than the Wagon (which is my fault). The specs show a height max of 6'2" with a weight limit of 275. However, after doing some cursory research, I did find some taller, heavier guys who use the bike with no apparent difficulty. (One was even 6'6"!) I wrote the company, but you can imagine how that went: they weren't going to tell me to buy a bike out of the specs range, which I totally get. He did say there were some third-party seats and extenders that might help, but couldn't recommend any.

So my question to you nice folks is this: At my height and weight (the latter of which I intend to reduce ASAP), am I going to be able to ride this bike comfortably? I'm primarily going to use the bike for commuting purposes, with the occasional long-ish ride thrown in (~ 20-30 miles at the most, with most being much less than that). Would love to hear from people ~ my size (or bigger!) and any suggestions about possible accessory solutions. Anything else? Thanks so much! ~ John