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Messages - wojtek-in-seattle

RadWagon / Re: North St Panniers
September 18, 2021, 03:59:30 PM
Could you share what the hooks are and where you got them? Thanks.
I have a RW4. I considered the Conestoga for a split second, but it's overpriced. I live in Seattle and have no car. Some good inclement weather gear would be more flexible than anything mounted to the bike especially if one switches between carrying kids and cargo. I would be interested to know how easy / difficult it is to mount / dismount.
I have owned a Rad Wagon 4 for a year now and have been very happy with the bike. I use it mainly for short trips to the store or rides with my four-year old kid. I live in Seattle, so in-person beers are out of the question, but I'm happy to answer questions. My bike, I think, was one of the first to ship with the kick stand springs falling off, but once installed correctly they have not been an issue.
Quote from: Altema on December 30, 2020, 10:11:09 AM
I understand not wanting to change wiring while under warranty, so a power bank is a good option.
We've had about twenty of them (used to test them as a hobby), but only two of them were water resistant.
I guess the best place to start is asking a few questions:

1. What you are going to power with it?
2. How many devices need to be charged at the same time?
3. Will you be able to recharge at your destination?
4. Since it's easier if your phone cable fits your power bank, what type of phone charger do you have?

1. I'm hoping to power LED lights to improve visibility.
2. (4) strips of LED lights at maximum. (2) in front and (2) in the rear.
3. Mine are short commuter roundtrips. Charge back at home.
4. Phone has USB-C connection, but no need to charge phone from the power bank (see #3).

Any advice on power banks is much appreciated. Thank you.
General Chat / Re: Considering a rad wagon
December 30, 2020, 10:59:43 PM
RadWagon, and I think all Rad bikes, max out at 20 mph. Just an observation: NHTSA tests vehicles by crashing them at 35 mph. I would not want to go any near that speed on an ebike...
Altema, great ideas. Thanks for sharing. fin_rad, I also don't want to mess with connections to battery while bike under warranty. Power bank idea sounds interesting. Any recommendations on a product? Preferably waterproof?
General Chat / Re: RadWagon 4 Kickstand Springs
October 09, 2020, 09:22:07 AM
Yes, I experienced the same issue with my brand new RadWagon 4. I had the bike assembled on September 26, 2020 and the springs deformed and fell off within the first week of very light use. I contacted Rad tech support and just yesterday 10/8 got confirmation of new springs shipment. In the meantime, I put the springs back on and cramped the ends a bit... Thanks for your investigation and photos. I will rethink my springs install. I'm happy with the bike otherwise.