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Messages - Jack D

John - you're not far off of the mark.  The Rear Brake Lever and the Throttle control are basically on top of each other.

Rad asked me to loosen the throttle mechanism screw and rotate it until the cable from it was pointed directly down, vs. crimped against the cable from the brake lever.  I was (very) skeptical, but it actually worked.  No more issue. 

Thanks for chiming in.
Rad is thinking it's a bad controller.
Yeah, I contacted Electobike and they *immediately* replied with the settings I needed.  Thanks!

FYI: Good install vids on Youtube for the setup but nada on the settings - had that thought also.
I'm about to install it. I'm hearing that I may need to change some settings after installing - but can't seem to find any info on how to do that - or what the settings should be.

Anyone done it?

Intermittently.  I.e.; sometimes the throttle works and not brake light comes on.  Sometimes I twist it and the brake light comes on, and no movement.

I disconnected both the brake and throttle connectors (per Rad support) and inspected them and put them back together again without any noticeable change in behavior.

Weird thing I did notice: The throttle and PAS both work as expected when the front brake connector is disconnected.  As soon as I reconnect the front brake connector - the intermittent issue begins again.

Yet another bad controller?  Thoughts?

Thanks for any input / advice


I've heard good things so I'm going to bite the bullet and try it out - just ordered it.

Was wondering if anyone else has tried it here?

RadRover / Re: Battery not charging
October 16, 2023, 05:19:01 PM
I had this same issue when the bike was nearly brand new (RR6+).  They made me jump through all kinds of hoops, videos, pictures - and I had to do it multiple times.  They wound up (finally) sending me a new battery - after dicking me around for 2 weeks or better.

I did find on the nets a video DIY of someone replacing the fuse.  Haven't tried it yet but it sounds like this is a common problem and fairly easy fix:

Upside is that I'll have a spare battery when all I fix the old one :)
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