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Messages - Darrine90

Makes sense, the Rad controller is smooth and thought hard about keeping it but I live in a pretty hilly place so the extra torque will be nice. I might have to get a 2nd battery when the new controller arrives.
yeah 25 mph is plenty fast! I can't wait for the more torque. I tried adjusting the max speed with the stock rad controller to 25 MPH but only goes max 21 -22 mph. I am pretty sure Rad nerfed it from what I read :(
Rad mini Step Thru! Got it on sale for $ 1599.00 cdn. Glad I bought it over the expand and already upgraded the bars so it looks similar but better than the expand. I don't think I like the look of those flimsy cases so I will probably just seal it as best I can.
Great thanks! I thinks its no brainer for me as I live in a hilly area and like going fast. My rad Mini is currently limited to 20 MPH so this controller should increase speed a bit to 25mph from what I read. What is your max speed?
I am located in Canada and just purchased it from Electro bike world!  Why are you selling it?
I just purchased the Bolton controller, however I live in a rainy city and plan to ride my bike in the rain. I read some reviews and people mention their controller getting water damaged from either washing or riding through puddles.  Does anyone ride with this controller in the rain? or has anyone had any luck waterproofing the controller? 

Thank you 8)
I am thinking of doing this upgrade.  Do you notice a big difference in range with the 35 amps controller over the stock?
Thanks!  :) and the Satori extender is great very solid. The LCD screen I can swivel up and down very easily for when I need to turn the bars.

And now I am thinking about upgrading the controller next.
My bike arrived and I installed the handle bars. I really do like the look of the bike now  :) still waiting on the fork extender but there is a solid hold with just the Satori stem extender. I was jumping off curbs and the bike feels pretty good. This is not optimal so to be safe I will install the fork extender when it arrives.

I do like the idea of how that stem folds but I will stick with the Satori, it looks super clean and functions really well for what I need. If you're tight on space height wise, you can always loosen the handle bars and bend the bars down or remove the front wheel.
that's pretty darn close I think it will be fine. Thank you for the measurements!
Valid points.

I looked at the reviews on Ali express and they seem very positive in regards to the extender. I believe it expands inside the steer tube is how it works? However If the diameter is a bit off on the extender a double bolt stem extender should work as one bolt would be clamped onto the original steer tube and one onto the extender. Did you happen to take a measurement?

The satori clamping mechanism is a bit odd and is one bolt so if there is any discrepancy in diameter this will cause an issue. However if this is the case I can return the Satori for a double bolt extender.

I guess time will tell if this all works fingers crossed.

The Satori Extender arrived today from amazon the minimum fork length you need is about 1.5 inches so I will need the fork extender for it to work. Kind of crazy doing this before my bike arrives but here is the parts list. Should be pretty cool if it all works :) Fork Extender BMX bars 6.5" rise

Thank you, I'll give it a go! worse comes to worse I'll have to get an extender as well.  I believe Eric just needed to hammer down the star nut a bit into the fork to make it work.